Safeguarding and Child Protection

Safeguarding Verse 2Safeguarding is our most important task at Farncombe School as we care for the young children who attend our infant school. Safeguarding is considered to be a ‘golden thread’, running through our every policy and interaction, as we foster good mental and physical health in our pupils and ensure they feel safe, happy and confident in school.

Our safeguarding policy is updated annually and signed by all members of staff. It is available below and also on our ‘policies’ page. All staff have regular training in safeguarding. Governors also examine safeguarding in every meeting. Risk assessments are in place for specific events. This constant focus on safeguarding ensures that all involved in school know how to keep children safe.


Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy 2022-2023


We also have a child’s version, so that all pupils are clear on how to seek help if needed:

Safeguarding Policy Child's Version


All staff and visitors to our school are asked to read our safeguarding leaflet.

Safeguarding Leaflet 2022

We also have a parents’ guide to safeguarding:

Link to Vision and Values: Compassion, Endurance. Love God.