Pupil Premium/Disadvantaged Children

Deuteronomy 15:11 For the poor shall never cease out of ...Each year schools are asked to detail their strategy for those children who are disadvantaged financially (sometimes know as ‘pupil premium’ children). Schools are asked to be agents of social mobility and to support those children, who are growing up without the advantages of their peers, to achieve well.

At Farncombe we take this responsibility very seriously and use our mission statement of ‘Inspiration, Imagination, Individuality’ to enhance the learning of our pupil premium children and ensure that they flourish and perform well academically.

The attachment below explains our pupil premium strategy for this academic year and last.

Farncombe Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024

Farncombe Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2023

Farncombe Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021

Link to Vision and Values: Compassion, Friendship, Endurance, Trust. Love Your Neighbour.