
Although our pupils are young, E-Safety is taken very seriously at Farncombe School. Within the school network, all our computers and email systems are monitored to ensure our children stay safe online. The internet connection at school is filtered through SurfProtect and protected using the most up to date technologies to help ensure that we provide quality access to the internet to enhance learning.

E-safety is directly taught each term with teachers explaining exactly how each class should keep safe online now and in the future. We have posters and information displayed in our IT suite to provide reminders on what children should do when working online. This is coupled with constant supervision of children when using computers to ensure full safety.

We all realise how important it is to keep our children safe when they are online and using the internet out of school. Year 1 children sign an ‘acceptable use’ agreement to illustrate the importance of online safety.

As a school we are extremely clear with our children about what is inappropriate out of school and we do not hesitate to say that our pupils should not be playing violent games or accessing any age restricted content. unless it is Age 4+ .

The DfE has updated guidance for parents and carers about keeping children safe online. New information on apps has been added.

The BBC have a website and app called Own It. The website has a lot of content for children to help them navigate their online lives, and the free smartphone app comes with a special keyboard which can intervene with help and support in the moments that children need it the most.

SafeToNet is an app for parents to help them safeguard their children from online risks like cyberbullying and sexting, whilst respecting their child’s rights to privacy. The SafeToNet Foundation is providing UK families with free access to 1 million licences during coronavirus.

The ParentZone website has regular, up to date, information to help support parents with all things digital.  Click the link below to access the website where you will find advice on settings for streaming apps, games and websites your children may be using.


Please click on the link below to see the latest edition of  Digital Parenting Magazine.


Download our eSafety Posters:

 We have these e-safety posters on display in our classrooms. Why not put one up next to the computer at home and talk about it with your children?

 eSafety Poster - KS1

Download our eSafety poster for KS1 (4-7 year olds)

 eSafety Poster - KS2